
Interplanetary 2

This is a Flash game and some Flash games may not work properly. We regularly update our flash player to support all the games. If the game is not currently working, please check back later.

Did you think that the adventure is over after you finish all levels of first chapter of the Inpterplanetary game? Well, for the fans of this adventure, as you can see, here is the chapter two and prepare yourself to resume the adventure. This chapter will be more exciting because of some features of the character. Such as, the characters has weapons any more and by these weapons it is going to be more exciting to fight against aliens. This was the first new feature you were going to see. You can see the rest of brand new features by playing yourself. Let's get started!

Game controls:
1st Player:
Move: "W,A,S,D"
Attack: "K"

2nd Player:
Attack: "G"

Have fun!
